Our wedding photos aren’t just for us; families pass down printed photographs through generations. They become long-lasting memories first, and treasured legacies later.
But people don’t pass down USB sticks. Technology changes so quickly that methods of digital storage become obsolete within a few short years - anyone remember the floppy disc? (RIP CDs and DVDs, you’re next...)
Think of personal items you have that belonged to your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents - perhaps even further back - and probably among the only things remaining as a physical lasting record of their lives are photographs - printed memories of who they were and the lives they led.
Photographs have that extraordinary power to record moments in time with the detail our busy minds can’t retain, but when we see them they transport us back there to those moments with such clarity that we can recall and feel the emotion we felt at the time.
THE Timelessness of print…
In this modern age of digital noise, photographs in print take on an even more important role - setting apart the things that REALLY matter, recording them for posterity in a way that transcends technology’s ever-changing evolution.
And it’s about realness, meaningful legacy and emotion-filled memories, not here-today-gone-tomorrow scrolling feeds and double-taps.
If we had a pound for every friend, or friend of a friend that just had digitals of their wedding photos and said they’d print their own... Guess what? Years down the line they STILL don’t have an album or beautiful wall art on display in their home - our lives are busy, and making an album takes time. And people can’t typically access the same high quality craftsmanship as professional photographers can.
Print is SO special, SO timeless, it’s what wedding photographs deserve. That tangible realness of holding your photos, your memories, in your hands and allowing them to exist - not on a hard drive - but in real space and time. Print them, enjoy them, relive your day by taking out your book on your anniversary and remembering. The laughs, the feels, the family that sadly might no longer be with you. The love that brought you together. All there - in print - forever. Imagine what memories you can leave of your life for your children, and your children’s children.
Treasure your photographs, and leave your printed legacy...
Everything starts with love.
Don’t delay if you’d like to book your wedding date with us! Get in touch with us today to check our availability.